Friday, December 14, 2012

Taskstream Lesson Plan

Practicum III
Author: Amanda Lilly
Based on lesson by:
Date created: 12/14/2012 3:20 AM EST ; Date modified: 12/14/2012 12:54 PM EST

Lesson Title

Subject/Topic Area



Grade 4

Context for Learning

 Based on the results of a Basic Reading Inventory Pre-assessment the student is:

In the 4th grade

Lower middle class

An oral learner

Comes from a bilingual household (English/Spanish)

Interested in the subject of Dragons

Needs to improve reading fluency and decoding skills


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DE- Delaware Curriculum Standards
 Subject: English
 Standard 2: Students will construct, examine, and extend the meaning of literary, informative, and technical texts through listening, reading and viewing.
Grade Range: 4-5
Performance Indicator 3: self-monitor comprehension while listening, reading, and viewing by
Benchmark c: taking appropriate actions (e.g., rereading to make sense, adjusting rate of reading, seeking the meaning of unknown vocabulary) to enhance understanding of oral and written text.

Lesson Objectives

 The student will be able increase their oral reading speed and reading accuracy.

Lesson Rationale

 My student will understand that they are learning reading fluency because expert readers develop fluency in their reading. This means that expert readers can read smoothly at an appropriate pace with accurate expressions. The student will develop these skills through timed one minute readings and practicing to automatically recognize words. This will help the student enjoy reading more because they will be able to read fluently without much frustration.

Lesson Essential Question(s)

 How does reading fluency affect comprehension?

What happens if you read too quickly or too slowly?

Beginning of the Lesson/Orientation

Instructional Strategies

 I will introduce the lesson by telling the student that we are working on improving and developing our reading skills. "We are going to work on reading fluency today. Do you know what the word fluency means? Well its how well a student can read based on their speed, smoothness, and expression. This will make reading make reading more enjoyable for you." Then I will ask if he is familiar with any reading strategies that he can use if he comes to word he doesn't know. We will review the cover-up strategy, where you cover up all the letters except the vowel and see if it makes a long or short sound. For example we will look at the word rope. I will have him cover up the all the letters but O and E, then I will ask if an E next to an O makes a short or long sound.

Formative Assessment (ongoing)

 The student will demonstrate his understanding by participating in the warm up activity and responding to the questions asked. If he is able to correctly identify that an E next to an O makes a long sound then we are able to move on, but if he claims that this makes a short O sound we will continue with more examples of long and short O sounds until he correctly identifies them.

Time Frame

 This warm-up activity should take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.


 There is no rubric for this warm-up activity. The student will be assessed by their participation in the activity and not whether their answers to the questions were correct or incorrect.

Presentation of the Lesson

Instructional Strategies

 The instructor will read examples of sentences on the board modeling poor and good reading fluency. The first time the instructor reads the sentence in a monotone, choppy manner. Then the instructor reads the sentences with more expression and smoothly, then asks the student which time sounded better to them. Now the student will practice his reading fluency by modeling the correct way the instructor showed him.

Formative Assessment (ongoing)

 The instructor will check for understanding if the student was able to correctly identify which sentence the instructor exhibited excellent reading fluency and which sentence the instructor exhibited poor reading fluency. Also the instructor will check if the student is able to explain why one sentence was easier for him to understand.

Time Frame

 This section of the lesson will take 10 minutes.


Instructional Strategies

 The student will practice his reading fluency skills by reading the short passage "Let's Go Skating". The student will predict what this story is going to be about, then the instructor will time the student for one minute. After a minute the instructor will record on a timed reading chart how many words the student read per minute. The instructor will also use a fluency checklist that records if words weren't remembered, expression, the smoothness of the reading, and the speed. Next the instructor will ask a comprehension question, "According to the passage, what is the hardest thing to learn with in-line skating?" After the student answers this question the instructor will time the student again reading the second paragraph of the passage and record on a timed reading chart how many words the student read per minute. Then the instructor will compare the fluency checklist and record if the student improved in speed, expression, words remembered, and smoothness. The student will then be asked another comprehension question, "What is the author's opinion of in-line skating?" Once the student has answered the question show them their reading fluency progress recorded on their timed reading chart and fluency checklist.

Formative Assessment (ongoing)

 The student will be assessed by looking at their timed reading chart and fluency checklist to see if there reading fluency improved from one reading to the next. The instrcutor will also check if the students reading fluency affected the answer to their comprehension questions based on if he got the questions correct or incorrect.

Time Frame

 The student will be given 20 minutes to complete his readings.

Closure and Summarizing:

Instructional Strategies

 As a 3-2-1 exit ticket for the student, he will tell me three things he learned about reading fluency, two thing he would change about the learning activity, and one thing he found interesting during the lesson.

Summative Assessment

 The instructor will assess student learning based on the answers given by the student. If the student learned the objectives throughout their reading activities then this lesson was successful.

Time Frame

 The student will use the last 5 minutes of the tutoring sessions to complete the wrap-up activity.

Analysis of data, reflections/modifications


 The instructor will assess the students progression throughout the lesson to see if he grasped the concept of reading fluency being taught based on his feedback from the learning activities. If the student comprehended the objectives and learned of their importance to improve his reading fluency then this lesson was successful. If there was evidence of an increase in the number of words the student read per minute on the timed reading chart, then he is improving his reading fluency. If the student still needs improvement in certain areas the teacher will reiterate those concepts the following tutoring session using a different method of instruction.

Materials Needed For The Lesson



Timed reading chart

Fluency Checklist

Short reading passage "Lets Go Skating"


Adams, Whitney. “Speedy Reader”
Eldredge, J Lloyd (2005).  Teaching Decoding: Why and How.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ.  Page 154.

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